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If you have a personal site or blog, you can add a mini version of network calculator like this one (see mini calculator).
You only have to copy this code.
Initially your IP address is displayed, the real IP from which you connect. This IP can be modified to perform subnetting.
Initially the network mask is shown according to IP ADDRESS Class for calculations of classful networks. But if you want to perform subnetting with VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask), it can be modified. Select the network mask in the format you want, because you have three different formats for the election of the netmask.
Displays the network as defined by IP ADDRESS and MASK selected in the above fields.
Shows the range of IP address belonging to the network, which can be configured as hosts.
Displays the broadcast address of the network. This is a special address that points to host all active hosts on the network.
Shows two implicit characteristics of IP ADDRESS, Public IP or Private IP. Private IP's are those that belong to the following range of IP addresses
IP addresses range | No. of addresses | Description | - | 16.777.216 | 1 x class A | - | 1.048.576 | 16 x class B | - | 65.536 | 256 x class C | - | 65.536 | 1 x class B |
Class of the IP address makes sense in Classful networks and it is decided according to the following table
CLASS | Leading bits | Bit field size of network | Start address | End address |
A | 0 | 8 | | |
B | 10 | 16 | | |
C | 110 | 24 | | |
D (multicast) | 1110 | not defined | | |
E (reserved) | 1111 | not defined | | |
Displays hexadecimal conversion of IP ADDRESS.
Displays binary conversion of IP ADDRESS.
Using color coding can visually see the bits of IP ADDRESS that identifies the network, subnet and host.
- bit identifying the network
- bit identifying the subnet
- bit identifying the host
Here you can configure the parameters for subnetting calculation. You can select the subnet mask that will always be equal or superior to the original network mask. You can choose the number of hosts that can connect to each subnet. Or you can choose the number of subnets you want. All these parameters are interdependent. So if you change one, the other will change. By pressing the LIST button all subnets will be listed in a pop-up window.